Is Certified SQF Practitioner Credential Worth It?

In: Food Safety

The Role of SQF Practitioner

In short, an SQF Practitioner is a personnel that your food operations assign to manage and maintain SQF programs.

Generally, the person (and the backup practitioner) must have the following training or credential:

  1. HACCP training
  2. SQF training or understanding of the SQF system
  3. Employed full-time by the site

If you missed our SQF Practitioner and backup practitioner responsibility blog, visit our article here.

SQF Practitioner versus Certified SQF Practitioner -The Differences

Now that we are clear on the SQF Practitioner requirements, the question becomes who is a Certified SQF Practitioner?

The first thing that you must know -SQF standards do not require a Certified SQF Practitioner on-site. It is completely voluntary.

The applicants must complete a HACCP course, an internal auditing course, the Implementing SQF Systems exam, and the Certified Practitioner exam.

Along with the requirements for 2 years of experience, a sponsor for the applications, and continuous learning to maintain the credentials. Obtaining and maintaining the credential can be quite a bit of commitment.

So, why would you or your company decide to apply for (or support) a Certified SQF Practitioner credential?

It all falls back to career and employee retention.

We are talking about differentiating ourselves or our company from others.

The Benefits of Certified SQF Practitioner Credential

Resume Benefit

Certified SQF practitioner credentials can be seen as an excellent career commitment or credential upgrade. You have a career advantage over someone new to the food industry.

For example, I have my Certified Food Scientist credential to boost my resume, supported by my experience in the food industry.

It might just be an excellent way to boost the experience and commitment of a food safety professional. 

How Food Companies Can Use the Credential as a Commitment to Support Staff Growth?

We are talking about employee turnover, incompetent staff and silent quitting. All of these are impacting the food industry. Companies must take action to make sure they retain their staff. One of the best ways to build trust is to show commitment to support continuous improvement and staff growth, towards professional development.

Are You Going For SQF Practitioner Credentials?

Can this work to your advantage? What do you think? I would be happy to hear your feedback.

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